Faith Filled Friendships

I recently spent my college spring break singing with my school’s touring choir. We sang in Maryland, Virginia, North Carolina, and we also spent some time in South Carolina. I didn’t sleep much, but I had a wonderful time!

I was quite apprehensive about going on this tour with the 40+ other members of my choir. I was afraid that the constant social interaction would be too draining, and I feared that no one in the choir would be able to support me as I grieved on tour.

I am happy and thankful to report that several members of my choral family wrapped me up in love on our week of travel. They wept with me in the still hours of night. They prayed over me in the busy time of day. They listened to all of my joys and sorrows with empathetic ears and with a quiet mouth. The people on this tour supported me more than I thought was possible.

This got me thinking…how could this community support me so well when most didn’t really know me? I believe the answer stems from our beautiful bond in Christ.

For the past few months, I have been praying that God would send me fulfilling and faithful friendships. Losing my husband (and best friend) has been an awful and lonesome time. I know that my Lord is always with me, but I specifically prayed that God would send friends to be with me, too.

I sit here in tears and I write that God has been so faithful and has quickly answered my prayers. The friendships that have developed on this tour will surely last. I am most thankful because these friendships are rooted in Christ, not sympathy or pity.

This past week I have been truly loved by my new friends. Even in the darkest of times, God continues to amaze me with His goodness and continued faithfulness.

2 Replies to “Faith Filled Friendships”

  1. Patty Ward says:

    This is beautiful! I am so glad that you found peace and a lasting friendship that has taken you in. I was getting worried about you, you havent wrote in a while. I’m glad to hear God is helping you in a way you need it.

  2. Reading this, and knowing what you experienced, has brought me to tears! Thank you, Mollie, for sharing your experiences and your heart! Love ya, sister! ~Pastor John

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